arma greater seattle / Events / Upcoming events ARMA Seattle Policy Drafting Workshop with Lewis Eisen ARMA Seattle Policy Drafting Workshop with Lewis Eisen March 12th and 13th · 900 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. PDT. Register Here
arma greater seattle / President's Message A Message from the President Hi all – It’s that time of year again. Our last meeting of the ARMA fiscal year is June 6th. Emily Lemieux from the University of Washington will give an …
arma greater seattle / Events / Past events Spring Seminar Mania! Announcing Spring Seminar Mania! 16 ARMA Chapters have partnered to provide 16 free educational sessions during April and May. Our program participants span the country, from Washington state to Florida, expanding our regional diversity far beyond the Midwest. So grab your virtual passports and get ready to visit some spectacular destinations. April 11th – May 30th
arma greater seattle / Events / Past events Employee Trainings: Educating in Compliance Lynn O’Shea from the University of Washington, Andrea Bettger from the City of Seattle, and Wendy Gibson from Vale Group will lead an informal discussion on developing and promulgating employee training. February 8th · 9:30 – 11:30am PDT. Register Here
arma greater seattle / Events / Past events Highlights from ARMA InfoCon 2023 Join us as ARMA members who attended October’s ARMA’s InfoCon in Detroit share highlights, information, and their experiences from the conference. November 9th · 9:30 – 11:30am PDT. Register Here
arma greater seattle / Events / Past events / Seattle ARMA Fall Welcome Meeting Pour yourself a cup of coffee, join your fellow RIM enthusiasts, and get the most out of your ARMA membership and the GSC this year. September 21 · 9:30 – 11:30am PDT. Register Here