Future Fetched: 2 Years Paperless at UW


June 6


09:30 am - 11:30 am

Event Category:

Past Events

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/future-fetched-2-years-paperless-at-uw-tickets-911497984007

ARMA Greater Seattle Chapter

Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/arma-greater-seattle-chapter-17677942399
Join us and Emily Lemieux for an update to this case study of how the RMS team drove the UW in the direction of a paperless environment.

Future Fetched: 2 Years Paperless at UW


Emily Lemieux, Assistant Director of Records Management Services at the University of Washington, will provide a deep dive into the process of going paperless at UW and the current state of affairs 2 years after the Fetch the Future initiative. With the advent of modern central systems, online forms, e-signatures – almost all records are being created and received electronically. The liability of paper-reliant processes was further revealed in 2020 as many operations went fully remote. UW RMS worked on a number of tools and outreach with other campus partners like Marketing, Sustainability and UW-IT to make the transition to a paperless world. We discouraged departments from going paperless hastily, and instead shared tips and tricks so that they could transform their workflows using logic and intention. As a specialist in outreach and departmental retention schedules, Emily was in the trenches and leading the charge during Fetch the Future and will provide real-world insight into the process of contacting hundreds of colleagues during the initiative. Join Emily for an update to this case study of how the RMS team drove the UW in the direction of a paperless environment.